中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.厨师,厨房总管。 2.〔英国〕(烧饭用的)铁炉。
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例句与用法 | 1. | The isu grand prix final is held in kitchener , ontario , the past weekend 国际冰联大奖赛决赛上周末在加拿大安大略省的基琴娜举行。
| | 2. | And governments were ridiculous : our own wait - and - see sort especially so . and armies were ridiculous , and old buffers of generals altogether , the red - faced kitchener supremely . even the war was ridiculous , though it did kill rather a lot of people 一切政府都是可笑的,投机主义的英国政府,特别可笑,车队是可笑的,尤其是那些老而不死的将军们,至于那红脸的吉治纳将军更是可笑之至了。