| 1. | The kmt ' s ruling areas people ' s positions on 视角下国统区民众对西安事变的态度探析
| 2. | Kmt ' s military strategies in the northern expedition 白崇禧的抗日战略思想初探
| 3. | On the form of the first coopercation between kmt and cp 再谈第一次国共合作的形成
| 4. | The revolution of 1911 and relationship between the ccp and the kmt 辛亥革命与国共两党关系
| 5. | Kmt government handles question of japanese properties in china 日本拒绝对华民间赔偿法律依据辨析
| 6. | Causes of the formation of fine arts center in the area under kmt rule 抗战时期大后方美术中心的成因
| 7. | Commentary on the past ten years ' research of kmt - cpc cooperation form 十年来国共党内合作形式研究评述
| 8. | An analysis of kmt regime ' s policy of 政策之原因分析
| 9. | Contradictory factors in the first cooperation between the kmt and the cpc 促成第一次国共合作的矛盾因素新论
| 10. | A few problems about the study of the first co - operation between the kmt and the ccp 第一次国共合作研究中的几个题