| 1. | The ship was sailing at 35 knots . 那艘船正以三十五节的速度航行。
| 2. | I balled myself into a knot and moaned . 我把身子抱成一团,呻吟着。
| 3. | My dead fingers could not untie the knot . 我的手指麻木了,解不开结。
| 4. | He had n't unravelled the knot in her heart . 他没能解开她心中的疙瘩。
| 5. | He found it very difficult to tie the knot . 在系扣的时候他费了很大劲。
| 6. | Do not cut the string , untie the knots . 别剪断绳子,把结解开。
| 7. | You need a sharp knife to cut through the knot . 你需用快刀才能把结切断。
| 8. | It is up to the doer to undo the knot . 解铃还须系铃人。
| 9. | She tied a pretty knot at the end of her pigtails . 她在辫子的末梢打了一个花结。
| 10. | The thought of having my tooth pulled tied me in knots . 想到要拨牙我神经很紧张。