中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 固尔〔希伯来早期量具名,作固体量具相当于6 1/4?普式耳;作液体量具相当于58加仑〕(=homer)。
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| an ancient Hebrew unit of capacity equal to 10 baths or 10 ephahs 同义词:homer,
例句与用法 | 1. | Please give me more of michael kors 给我更多的迈克尔*考斯#
| | 2. | Tai kor ian thailand food 饮食业-泰国菜
| | 3. | Kor - chin biotech company limited is 100 % foreign invested company , owned by kor - chin holding company 科金(珠海)生物科技有限公司乃位于英属维尔京群岛的科金控股有限公司的全资子公司,属外商独资企业。
| | 4. | A michael kors gown worn by heidi klum to the vanity fair oscar party received an opening bid of 1 , 000 ? 560 , which failed to meet the reserve price 世界名模海蒂克拉姆出席“名利场奥斯卡聚会”所穿的由知名设计师迈克尔科尔斯设计的礼服在网上的起价为1000美元。
| | 5. | " now behold , i will give to your servants , the woodsmen who cut the timber , 20 , 000 kors of crushed wheat and 20 , 000 kors of barley , and 20 , 000 baths of wine and 20 , 000 baths of oil . 代下2 : 10你的仆人砍伐树木、我必给他们打好了的小麦二万歌珥、大麦二万歌珥、酒二万罢特、油二万罢特。
| | 6. | Business scorecard manager 2005 update rollup 4 is a cumulative patch . it is available for all the released languages : chs , cht , enu , esn , dan , deu , fra , ita , jpn , kor , pol , and swe Business scorecard manager 2005更新汇总套件4为积存性套件,具备所有发行语言的版本:简体中文繁体中文英文西班牙文丹麦文德文法文义大利文日文韩文波兰文与瑞典文。
| | 7. | Now tucker is going to have to change his ways ! kor the school jock will soon become the class joke ! can the tantalizing teen trio turn this serial dater into a one - woman man ? find out in the hit movie that proves revenge isn t just sweet , it s hysterically funny 可惜,这个情场鬼见愁的伟业偶然被三人发现,心碎的她们更由情敌转而组成报复大联盟,联手将一位新来的平凡转校生姬蒂特训成为约翰的新追求目标,欲以牙还牙在俘虏他的心后便一脚把他飞起,以泄心头之恨!