| 1. | When you add this dialog to your kylix application , you can use it by calling the 在向kylix应用程序添加该对话框时,您可以通过调用
| 2. | The kylix 3 soap web service has transported records from the employee table to your thin - client Kylix 3 soap web服务已经将employee表中的数据传送到了瘦客户机。
| 3. | With kylix 3 , you can build both server and desktop applications that work with db2 udb data 利用kylix 3 ,您可以构建使用db2 udb数据的服务器应用程序和台式机应用程序。
| 4. | With kylix 3 , you can build server as well as desktop applications that work with db2 udb data 利用kylix 3 ,您可以构建使用db2 udb数据的服务器应用程序和台式机应用程序。
| 5. | This can be done on the first web page in pmemployees , so go to that unit in the kylix ide 这可以在第一个web页面(在pmemployees中)实现,所以首先进入kylix ide中的那个单元。
| 6. | Kylix 3 produces native linux executables , and is available for delphi and c as a development language Kylix 3产生本机linux可执行文件,并且可以作为一种开发语言用于delphi和c + + 。
| 7. | Kylix 3 includes its own means to allow you to test and debug your web applications without apache Kylix 3包含自己的一些方法,以允许您(在没有apache的情况下)测试和调试web应用程序。
| 8. | In order to actually work with the records in the tclientdataset , you can use the data - aware controls in kylix , found on the 为了真正使用tclientdataset中的记录,您可以使用kylix中的数据感知控件,可以在
| 9. | But you should get this name if everything was set up correctly and the connection to the kylix 3 web service on linux can be made ,但是,如果一切都已正确设置,并且可以建立到linux上kylix 3 web服务的连接,那么应该使用该名称。
| 10. | Note that you didn t have to write any code , so you could have used both the delphi and the c edition of kylix 3 to build the application 注意,您不必编写任何代码,所以完全可以使用kylix 3的delphi版和c + +版来构建这样的应用程序。