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发布时间:2021-02-10 作者: 英语查

lugger 是什么意思


small fishing boat rigged with one or more lugsails

A lugger is a class of boats, widely used as traditional fishing boats, particularly off the coasts of France, England and Scotland. It is a small sailing vessel with lugsails (see below) set on two or more masts and perhaps lug topsails.


1.Soon after , the lugger doubled the point and disappeared

2.Edmond resigned the lugger to the master s care , and went and lay down in his hammock ; but , in spite of a sleepless night , he could not close his eyes for a moment

3.This creek was sufficiently wide at its mouth , and deep in the centre , to admit of the entrance of a small vessel of the lugger class , which would be perfectly concealed from observation

4.Some news of the lugger in kitt s hole had found its way to supervisor dance , and set him forth that night in our direction , and to that circumstance my mother and i owe our preservation from death

5.These fellows who attacked the inn to - night - bold , desperate blades , for sure - and the rest who stayed aboard that lugger , and more , i dare say , not far off , are , one and all , through thick and thin , bound that they ll get that money

6.Four shallops came off with very little noise alongside the lugger , which , no doubt , in acknowledgement of the compliment , lowered her own shallop into the sea , and the five boats worked so well that by two o clock in the morning all the cargo was out of the young amelia and on terra firma

7.It was in this costume , and bringing back to jacopo the shirt and trousers he had lent him , that edmond reappeared before the captain of the lugger , who had made him tell his story over and over again before he could believe him , or recognize in the neat and trim sailor the man with thick and matted beard , hair tangled with seaweed , and body soaking in seabrine , whom he had picked up naked and nearly drowned

8.Some of the men who had been to field - work on the far side of the admiral benbow remembered , besides , to have seen several strangers on the road , and , taking them to be smugglers , to have bolted away and one at least had seen a little lugger in what we called kitt s hole

9.In the meantime the supervisor rode on , as fast as he could , to kitt s hole but his men had to dismount and grope down the dingle leading , and sometimes supporting , their horses , and in continual fear of ambushes ; so it was no great matter for surprise that when they got down to the hole the lugger was already under way , though still close in

10.S had handled the lugger had entirely reassured him ; and then , when he saw the light plume of smoke floating above the bastion of the chateau d if , and heard the distant report , he was instantly struck with the idea that he had on board his vessel one whose coming and going , like that of kings , was accompanied with salutes of artillery

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