| 1. | I hope you would be mindful of your promise to me . 我希望你要注意你对我许下的诺言。
| 2. | They live in the woods, but mindful of their origin . 尽管在森林中生活但他们铭记着自己的身世。
| 3. | We are mindful of the creativity, innovations, and vision of people . 我们不要忘记人的创造力,革新和想象力。
| 4. | Please , however , be mindful of its gpl license 不过,请别忘记它的gpl许可证。
| 5. | They should be used carefully mindful of their limitations 致死癌病的发生率
| 6. | A clear mind : be assertive , but mindful of others 条理的情绪:果断点,但注意留意别人
| 7. | You just practice mindful breathing in and out 你只要专注地吸气和呼气。
| 8. | So you have to be very mindful of the fact 因此你不得不注意事实真相。
| 9. | I m mindful of another film , dreams come true 1960 写到这里,倒又想起另一部影片喜相逢1960 。
| 10. | Be mindful , not worried or perturbed 要用心,不要操心、烦心。