| 1. | When montesquieu visited venice the "new science" was recommended but there is no evidence that he either read or acquired the work . 孟德斯鸠访问威尼斯时,有人推荐过《新科学》,至于他是否读过或有过这本书,则缺乏足资证明的依据。
| 2. | Montesquieu ' s theory about dividing power to keep in balance 孟德斯鸠的分权制衡论
| 3. | Yan fu ' s response to montesquieu ' s views on china 严复对孟德斯鸠中国观的回应
| 4. | Montesquieu ' s geography - deciding theory and penalty views 及其刑罚观述评
| 5. | Rule by law : the basic spirit of montesquieu ' s thought of system of government 孟德斯鸠政体思想的基本精神
| 6. | “ the english are busy ; they don ' t have time to be polite ” ( montesquieu ) “英国人很忙;他们无暇去顾及礼貌” (孟德斯鸠) 。
| 7. | Locke and montesquieu are respectively the initiator and the culminant figure of the decentralization theory in the west 摘要洛克和孟德斯鸠分别是近代西方分权理论的首倡者和集大成者。
| 8. | When montesquieu visited venice the " new science " was recommended but there is no evidence that he either read or acquired the work 孟德斯鸠访问威尼斯时,有人推荐过《新科学》 ,至于他是否读过或有过这本书,则缺乏足资证明的依据。
| 9. | The latent purpose that montesquieu tried to keep the tension between the reason and the experience is to keep counterpoise among the values 而孟德斯鸠之所以试图在理性与经验之间保持某种张力,其潜在目的是为了保持价值之间的平衡。
| 10. | In my view , montesquieu ' s intention fell on the supreme status of the legislator finally . because the legislator ' s task is just to deal with the problems of contradictions among values 在笔者看来,孟德斯鸠的意图最终指向了立法者的无上地位,因为处理价值问题正是立法者的任务。