| 1. | A flame of strong nationalist feeling swept through the country . 全国民族情绪激昂。
| 2. | For the rest jagan spoke as a nationalist committed to parliamentary methods . 在其余的时间里,贾根讲的话象是一个赞成采用议会方式的民族主义者。
| 3. | It was fretted and over-stimulated and inflamed and forced into the nationalist mould . 它被推波助澜,被过度刺激,被煽动和强迫纳入民族主义的模型。
| 4. | He had to prepare it carefully and in such a way as to stamp himself as a vietnamese nationalist . 他需要为此做好细致的准备,并且使自己仍显得是一个越南民族主义者。
| 5. | It made an enormous sacrifice for arab nationalism, but it was assailed by the radicals then dominating the nationalist movement . 它为阿拉伯民族主义作出了巨大的牺牲,但却遭到当时支配民族主义运动的,激进分子的攻击。
| 6. | Types and features of nationalist political party 论民族主义政党的类型和特征
| 7. | I ' m sorry if i ' ve offended your nationalist sympathy 我非常抱歉我伤害了你的爱国心
| 8. | On the communal riot in indian nationalist movement 试论印度民族主义运动中的教派冲突
| 9. | Religious culture : nationalist or super nationalist 民族主义还是超民族主义
| 10. | The arabian nationalist movements in egypt prior to 1919年以前埃及的阿拉伯民族主义运动