| 1. | Chapter two is the source and current situation of china ' s npl 第二章是我国不良资产的形成和现状介绍。
| 2. | The rational reflection of china ' s present asset securitization of npl 对当前我国不良信贷资产证券化的理性思考
| 3. | Chapter three analyses the progress and impediment of china ' s npl resolution 不同的原因形成的不良资产特点也不一样。
| 4. | Chapter one theoretically defines npl and the usual measure to resolve it 在该章的第一节首先对银行不良资产作了一个界定。
| 5. | These countries have explored different ways to address the npl problem 这些国家都采取了相应的措施来处置这些不良资产,化解金融风险。
| 6. | They could serve as the financial consultants of amcs or purchase the npl by themselves 也可以引入外资。关于不良资产的转让,我国目前只有一级市场,而且这个
| 7. | The suggestions of promoting the progress and effect of china ' s npl resolution are proposed in chapter four 文章的第三章分析了我国不良资产的处置进程和存在的问题
| 8. | On prevention of new npl ' s forming of china ' s banking sector risk management research center of cinda asset management companies 防范中国银行业产生新的不良资产的对策与建议
| 9. | The author further selects a few npl - inflicted countries , which are representative in nature , as subjects of chapter 2 中国处理银行不良资产的方式,有了可供选择和参照的基础。
| 10. | We adopt the model of marx capital movement to expatiate the process why npl forms by stages 在介绍不良资产形成的过程中,文章采用了马克思资本运动链模型,分阶段对不良资产形成的过程进行阐述。