| 1. | You mustn't be cast down, miss nell . 你不要失望,耐儿小姐。
| 2. | Nell could not help following at a little distance . 耐儿情不自禁地跟了一程。
| 3. | Nell was expecting another in about five months . 尼儿再过五个月又要生第二个孩子了。
| 4. | We must earn it, nell . 我们必须赚去,耐儿。
| 5. | Nell is nearly fourteen . 耐尔快要十四岁了。
| 6. | She drew in her head again, and beckoned nell to approach . 她把头缩回来,招手叫耐儿走向前去。
| 7. | Nell was none the slower in going away for this remark . 听了这种言语,耐儿更不敢多停留一会儿了。
| 8. | Nell felt as if her heart would break when she saw them meet . 耐尔看到她们聚会,好象她的心要碎了。
| 9. | As nell approached the awful door, it turned slowly upon . 耐儿走近那威风凛凛的大门时,它正在慢慢地打开。
| 10. | Nell at length took courage, and ventured to draw near him . 耐儿最后只好鼓起勇气,大胆地向他那边走了过去。