| 1. | Fielding was not ashamed to practise a little necromancy . 菲尔丁不知羞耻地施展小巫术。
| 2. | With his deadly sickle and necromancy , dutin becomes one of the most dangerous warriors in ruminater now 现在,藉著他的致命镰刀与死灵术,杜丁成为了反刍者中最危险的战士之一。
| 3. | Necromancy and enchanting are two kinds of magic . healers are clerics , and they can be either dark or light 死灵魔法和幻术是两种魔法,治疗者都是牧师(属于另外一种魔法) ,他们可以属于任何一个阵营。
| 4. | Necromancy is discovered . there were always creepy people who dressed in black and liked skulls , but they had a sense of purpose 亡灵术被发现了。世界上总是有那些穿着一身黑装喜欢骷髅头的怪怪的家伙,不过他们还算是有点目的的。
| 5. | The amulet of necromancy i have , but the ring of the unrepentant , the cloak of death ` s shadow , and the staff of the netherworld remain to be acquired 现在我只拿到了招魂护身符,但是另外3件宝物:无悔指环、死亡阴影斗篷以及冥界手杖仍有待获取。
| 6. | She was part of a powerful sorcerer ' s harem , but when he delved into the dark arts of necromancy he turned his entire household into zombies 她是某个强大巫师成群妻妾中的一个,当那个巫师钻研招魂的黑暗艺术时,他把自己的一大家子全变成了僵尸。
| 7. | I designed witchcraft : necromancy when witchcraft : alchemy is finished . also , it ' s a card game whose style is still occident medieval 《魔幻牌:炼金术士》完成后我紧接着设计了这款《亡灵召唤师》 。它延续了欧美中世纪的风格,也是一款纸牌对战类型游戏。
| 8. | Through an arcane mix of alchemy and necromancy - the royal apothecary society has raised numerous fallen steeds to serve as mounts for the vengeful dead 通过一种结合了炼金术与巫术的神秘法术,皇家药剂师协会已唤醒了为数不少的战马来为复仇心切的亡者们服务。
| 9. | Dark magic is more oriented towards necromancy , whereas light magic will put the stress on enchantments . in both alignments , some races are specialized in the favorite magic of their alignment 黑暗魔法更倾向于死灵魔法,而光明魔法在幻术方面比较强。两个阵营里面都有某些种族可以专精本阵营的专长魔法。
| 10. | In all the works of necromancy that were continually going forward , the crowd gave way before her , and seemed to fear the touch of her garment , as if it carried the plague among its gorgeous folds 在当年巫术风行一时之际,这位老太婆因在其中担任主角而颇有名气后来竟为此付出了生命作代价人们纷纷趋避,仿佛唯恐碰上她的衣袍,就象是那华丽的褶襞中夹带着瘟疫似的。