| 1. | A analysis on nestorian organization and system in the tang dynasty 试析唐代景教会的组织与制度
| 2. | Postscript to the nestorian stone inscription of the tang dynasty newly found in luoyang 唐代中国景教与景教本部教会的关系
| 3. | During the tang dynasty 618 - 907 , nestorian christianity was introduced to china in 635 and it experienced a revival during the yuan dynasty 1271 - 1368 在唐代618 - 907 ,景教于公元635年开始传入中国。
| 4. | A nestorian christian porcelain plaque included in the exhibition , dating to the mongolian khanate period , is the only nestorian plaque made of porcelain known . a gold cross - shaped ornament is also showed in the exhibition 元代1271 - 1368 ,景教再度兴起,展品中包括一块蒙古汗国时期的瓷碑,是至今出土唯一以瓷制的景教碑,及辽代的金十字架。
| 5. | Eighty extraordinary artefacts dating from the tang to the yuan dynasties , including gold and silver wares in the turkic period , the liao sancai porcelain in the qidan period and harnesses and nestorian christian items in the yuan dynasty , will be on view . " the silk road is the name given to the passages linking northern china with the west 香港大学美术博物馆与内蒙古自治区博物馆联合举办道出物外:中国北方草原丝绸之路展览,市民可观赏到80件唐代至元代的珍贵文物,包括突厥时期的金银器辽三彩和元代蒙古马具和景教文物。
| 6. | Eighty extraordinary artefacts from the silk road in inner mongolia , including a golden belt in the turkic period , the liao sancai jar in qidan period and a nestorian christian golden cross - shaped ornament in the yuan dynasty , will be on view at the university museum and art gallery of the university of hong kong from february 15 , 2007 to may 13 , 2007 80件来自中国北方草原丝路的珍贵文物,包括唐代突厥的金腰带契丹辽三彩壶及元代景教的金十字架,将于2月15日至5月13日,在香港大学美术博物馆展出。