| 1. | He introduced a notation for negative numbers . 他为负数引进了一个符号。
| 2. | This delay notation has been adopted . 已经采用了这种延时符号。
| 3. | A more convenient notation will now be given . 现在将给出一种较为方便的表示法。
| 4. | We badly need some notation . 我们很有必要规定一些记号。
| 5. | The suggestive notation has been chosen purposely . 这个有启发性的符号是特意选择的。
| 6. | This is a good time to switch to the classical notation . 此刻是换用经典符号的好时候。
| 7. | We shall find it convenient to adopt the following notation . 采用下面的记号是方便的。
| 8. | The advantage of this notation is that it is unambiguous . 这种记号的优点在于它不会混淆。
| 9. | Tess's mother caught up its notation in a week . 苔丝的妈只用一个礼拜的功夫就把它的腔调学会了。
| 10. | Notation for pl changes from one implementation to the next . PL的表示方法将随实现方法的不同而有所改变。