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发布时间:2020-09-16 作者: 英语查

dionysus 是什么意思


Dionysus (, Dionysos) was the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy in Greek mythology. His name in Linear B tablets shows he was worshipped from c.


1.New cultural interpretation of dionysus and apollo

2.Apollo and dionysus : nietzsche ' s dualistic theory of artistic impulse

3.Here we see a mask of the god dionysus and clothing attached to a pole , much in the manner of a scarecrow

4.The idol was actually a wooden shaft with a mask attached , garlanded with ivy - perhaps the most common way of depicting dionysus in the greek world

5.According to nietzsche ' s tragic theory , this thesis analyzes the conflict between the spirit of apollo and dionysus of lavinia , exploring the process of forming tragedy

6.Anthropological approach on ritual pattern , the relation between culture and natural ecology , dionysus " pedigree and genealogy , the aesthetical principle of dionysus pattern and the narrative on literary arche - types from dionysus
它可以说明:在“西方文学”的“我者叙事”当中事实上存着许多东方文化的“他者叙事” 。

7.Greek apollo culture and dionysus culture has respectively endowed the individual life and the eternal life with justification , and tragedy culture simultaneously has given the worldly life and the metaphysical life the dual defence

8.The major focus of my doctoral thesis is put on the western canon " dionysus ritual " and its original meanings covered drama , arts , poem , religion , magic and so on with the literary anthropological perspective
本文选择文学人类学这一个新的研究领域,以西方经典性的“酒神祭仪”命题为切入点,特别选择了被称之为“传统的贮存器” ( container )的仪式为主要阐发。

9.As we know , the ritual is often taken as " the traditional container " , which means ritual has a very special capable to contain the ethnic , historical and traditional interpretative ability for itself as well as multicultural , multiethnic exchange events and " facts " . in this case , dionysus pattern is a typical example , many aspects showed that there existed a very complicated relations among the arche - type : the origin of the western tragedy , the exhibition of relation between man , nature and culture , the expression of literary themes etc . main purpose of this research will be concentrated on the combination of the dionysus ritual pattern and analyses relative eastern factors including historical texts , the drama literature using the method of literary anthropology
作为一个经典范例,酒神祭耙仪式被视为一种跨民族、跨区域、多元文明的遗产:西方戏剧起源的滥肮哲学美学类型上的二元对峙关系的基本要件:西方文学叙事中不可或缺的原型;更重要的是,它是人类生命体验的“自然之性”的展示… …本文通过对酒神的个案的人类学资料,同时结合狄奥尼索斯祭祝仪、戏剧文学以及相关的历史文本分析,旨在对比较文学中“西方中心”的历史逻辑进行梳理和反思。

10.And he renewed the flame of his lance with a gesture which made one think of dionysus of crete . but i , being only a little child , was terrified by this undaunted courage , which appeared to me both ferocious and senseless , and i recoiled with horror from the idea of the frightful death amidst fire and flames which probably awaited us

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