| 1. | Review on the development studies on expressivity in children ' s drawings 儿童绘画表现性发展的研究进展
| 2. | Levinas foregrounds the phenomenon of the human face because it is a unique locus of expressivity 列维纳斯(采取前景式的方式) (突出)人脸的现象在于它是独一无二的表达场所。
| 3. | Both dancing and snarling are manifestations of bodily expressivity , but only the former has the character of an objectively available sign 舞蹈和吼叫都是身体的表现,但只有舞蹈具有客观援用的符号。
| 4. | You have a choice of schema languages with which to define your document structure , each with different levels of expressivity and tool support 您可以选择一种样式语言来定义文件结构,每一种在表达能力和工具支援上各不相同。
| 5. | The advantage of this language is that it is both easier to understand and easier to implement than the other two ; however , it restricts expressivity 这个语言的优势在于理解和实现起来比前两个语言都容易;但是,它限制了表现力。
| 6. | At the hand - authoring level , the tradeoff between losing some expressivity of syntax and getting editing tool support is worth it 在手工编辑( hand - authoring )级别上,失去语法的部分表达能力和获得编辑工具支持之间的折衷是值得的。
| 7. | As mentioned above , doap files that conform to the schema will lose some rdf expressivity , but for most people this loss will not matter 如前所述,遵从模式的doap文件将失去一些rdf表达能力,但是对于大多数人来讲,这点损失关系不大。
| 8. | The face of the other is in the world , a thing among things , and yet its very expressivity breaks through or interrupts its mundane , phenomenal form 在世之他者之脸,处身事物之间,其真正的表现性却突破或中断了其世俗(性、现实性) , (而成为)现象的形式。
| 9. | On the whole , what langer explores are the aesthetic issues of expressivity and sensibility in the categores of artistic forms , artistic discourse arid semiotic significances 整体看来,苏珊?朗格所探索的,是在艺术形式、艺术话语和符号意义里面的表现性和情感性这样的美学问题。
| 10. | However , the mission of xhtml 2 . 0 was not to preserve strict syntactic backwards compatibility , so html renderers in today s browsers won t be able to cope with the full expressivity of xhtml 2 . 0 documents 不过, xhtml 2 . 0的战略并不是坚持严格的语法向后兼容,因此现有浏览器的html呈现引擎不可能完全应付xhtml 2 . 0文档的表达能力。