| 1. | He is n't just fat , he 's flabby . 他不只是有点儿胖,而且肌肉松弛。
| 2. | Thanks to abstemious habits, he had not grown fat and flabby . 多亏了平日饮食有节,这张脸并没有变得痴肥。
| 3. | Strong and lithe , neither bony nor flabby 强壮并柔软,既不瘦骨嶙峋也不显得松驰。
| 4. | Sourpuss ! - sorry old flabby nincompoop -讨厌鬼! -对不起,软弱的老废物
| 5. | - sourpuss ! - sorry old flabby nincompoop -讨厌鬼! -对不起,软弱的老废物
| 6. | Be romantic , turn out the lights = i have flabby thighs 关上灯浪漫些我的大腿松垮跨的。
| 7. | His eyes were not keen , his face marked , his hands flabby 他目光呆滞,满脸皱纹,双手无力。
| 8. | It felt very flabby , and the myocardium was poorly contractile 摸上去非常软,心肌收缩力下降。
| 9. | The heart is very enlarged and flabby 整个心脏变得又大又软。
| 10. | Train triceps , avoid loose , flabby upper arm . improve muscle tone 练习肱三头肌,防止上臂肌肉松弛。