| 1. | Road tankers ; dipstick assembly ; mating dimensions 公路槽罐车.油尺组件.连接尺寸
| 2. | Benz 722 . 7 transmission dipstick benz 722 . 6 transmission dipstick 奔驰722 . 6自动变速箱工具
| 3. | Benz 722 . 6 transmission dipstick 平治722 . 6自动变速箱油尺
| 4. | Benz 722 . 7 transmission dipstick 平治722 . 6自动变速箱工具
| 5. | You two dipsticks ain ' t gonna last ten seconds over the county line 你们两个笨蛋过了郡界连10秒都挨不到
| 6. | And a doofus and a dipstick 而且还是个猪头和混球
| 7. | Development of the dipstick of gold - immuno chromayography assay for the diagnosis of plague 鼠疫胶体金法快速诊断试剂盒的研制
| 8. | Petroleum industry . detachable swivel mounted graduated weight for steel tape dipsticks 石油工业.钢带量杆用带球头关节的活动刻度沉压体
| 9. | Nevertheless , it seems to be cost effective using urine dipsticks for the screening of hematuria 许多因素均会影响以尿液测量试纸测试来筛检无症状显微血尿的效果及准确性。
| 10. | It remains controversial in screening the urological disorders based on the results of positive urine dipstick test 而其专一度则较低,代表了尿液测量试纸有较高的假阳性率。