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发布时间:2020-09-16 作者: 英语查

diopter 是什么意思


a unit of measurement of the refractive power of a lens which is equal to the reciprocal of the focal length measured in meters; used by oculists


1.Diopter adjustable range : 5d
屈光度调节范围: 5d

2.A correlative study on diopter and corneal refractive power in juvenile myopia

3.Observation of student diopter change in students using different color paper books

4.The study of comparison of corneal diopter measured by corneal keratometer and corneal topographer

5.The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia , hyperopia astigmatism diopter

6.Sphere diopter 0sjr 188 series auto refractometers adopt fashionable fogging target measurement system , which comfort the whole detection process and enhance measurement accuracy

7.By comparison and analysis of the auto lensmeter used in domestic and abroad , optics theory and foci adjustment method are discussed , the formulation of diopter of glasses is given

8.Through fully automatic objective measurements including infrared projecting and eye - ground imaging , and with the help of high differentiation ccd lens and 5 monitor screen , computer can calculate patients diopter objectively and accurately

9.Based on the diopter status of myopia and hypermetropia , the paper presented the principle of excimer laser refractive surgery , the change of impacting cornea curvature on the cornea diopter . in this chapter , we also discussed excimer laser - corneal tissue interactions and photoablation . determine the relationship between the fluence of arf excimer laser and the cornea ablation rate , attain the relationship between the energy density and the ablation depth

10.The excimer laser diopter correction and aberration correction have been proved efficiency and safety . based on cad / cam , applied optics , ophthalmology , biomedicine and computer techonlogy , this paper studied the principle of excimer laser aberration correction . the conception , cause of formation and representation of wavefront aberration are introduced
准分子激光治疗屈光不正及消除像差的有效性和安全性已被证实,本学位论文将cad 、眼科视光学、波前像差技术、生物医学技术与计算机技术等多学科理论交叉结合,系统叙述了人眼波前像差理论,包括波前像差概念、表示方法、测量方法和产生的原因等。

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