| 1. | In trouble he is always buoyant . 在困难的时候,他总是精神振作的。
| 2. | This buoyant spirit was everywhere in the submarine . 这种兴高采烈的情绪在潜艇上到处可见。
| 3. | When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable . 我们身强力壮时根本想不到死。
| 4. | Till morning dawned i was tossed on a buoyant but unquiet sea . 我在欢快而不安的海洋上颠簸,直到早晨。
| 5. | The buoyant effect of the thin-walled bell may be neglected in most cases . 薄壁钟本身的浮力影响通常可以忽略不计。
| 6. | My physical strength came back to me quickly in that buoyant atmosphere . 在那生机盎然的地方我的体力迅速地恢复了。
| 7. | The buoyant world economy in 1984 supported this adjustment effort . 1984年,欣欣向荣的世界经济支持了这一调整工作。
| 8. | I don't know what's the matter, i feel wretched at one time, and buoyant at another . 我也不明白是怎么回事,一会儿觉得丧气,一会儿又觉得轻快。
| 9. | That is, the reading of the spring scale has been increased by an amount equal to the buoyant force . 这时弹簧秤称得的数值增加到和浮力相等的量。
| 10. | General patton's buoyant leadership and strict insistence upon discipline rapidly rejuvenated the ii corps . 巴顿将军之活泼领导与严明纪律,使第二军的士气迅速恢复过来。