中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.合作者,共同研究者。 2.与敌合作分子,通敌分子,卖国贼。
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| an associate in an activity or endeavor or sphere of common interest; "the musician and the librettist were collaborators"; "sexual partners" 同义词:cooperator, partner, pardner,
| | someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force 同义词:collaborationist, quisling,
| | someone who assists in a plot 同义词:confederate, henchman, partner in crime,
例句与用法 | 1. | Robert lohan afforded so much assistance that he should really be called collaborator as well as translator . 罗伯特洛汉提供的帮助最大,他的确可以称为共同作者及译者。
| | 2. | The earliest work with plasmas was that of langmuir, tonks, and their collaborators in the 1920's . 在20世纪20年代,朗缪尔、汤克斯及其共事者最先从事有关等离子体的研究。
| | 3. | The american water works association and the water pollution control federation have become collaborators in its preparation . 美国水工程协会和水污染控制联合会在其准备中已协同工作。
| | 4. | When the music is skillful and inspired and the collaborators well matched, the results are triumphant . 如果音乐技巧精湛,充满灵感,而合作者们又是相互配合得很好的话,那么,结果必定十分圆满。
| | 5. | The tutsi were collaborators for the belgian colonists 图西族曾通敌比利时殖民者
| | 6. | . . . tried as a collaborator , and sentenced to death 因通敌罪被起诉,判处死刑
| | 7. | He has been executed as a nazi collaborator 他已被就地正法罪名是曾作为纳粹的帮凶
| | 8. | Tried as a collaborator , and sentenced to death 因通敌罪被起诉,判处死刑
| | 9. | He has been executed as a nazi collaborator . . 他已被就地正法罪名是曾作为纳粹的帮凶. .
| | 10. | The object being tested creates a collaborator object 正在测试的对象创建了合作者对象。