中文翻译与英英解释 | vt. 1.收集,收藏;召集;征收(税等),募(捐),领取(信件等)。 2.集中,整理(思想);镇定;鼓起(勇气);把牢(缰绳)。 3.〔古语〕推测。 短语和例子 collect a horse 将马把牢。 vi. 聚集;堆积;募捐 (for);〔美国〕收账,收款。 collect on delivery 〔美国〕= cash on delivery. collect oneself 平心静气,镇定一下。 II a.,ad. 由接收者付款的[地]。 to telephone collect打一个由受话者付款的电话。 n. 【宗教】短祷。
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| make a telephone call or mail a package so that the recipient pays; "call collect"; "send a package collect"
| | make a telephone call or mail a package so that the recipient pays; "call collect"; "send a package collect"
| payable by the recipient on delivery; "a collect call"; "the letter came collect"; "a COD parcel" 同义词:cod,
| assemble or get together; "gather some stones"; "pull your thoughts together" 同义词:gather, garner, pull together,
| | get or bring together; "accumulate evidence" 同义词:pull in,
| | call for and obtain payment of; "we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts"; "he collected the rent" 同义词:take in,
| | get or gather together; "I am accumulating evidence for the man''s unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"; "She rolled up a small fortune" 同义词:roll up, accumulate, pile up, amass, compile, hoard,
| | gather or collect; "You can get the results on Monday"; "She picked up the children at the day care center"; "They pick up our trash twice a week" 同义词:pick up, gather up, call for,
| a short prayer generally preceding the lesson in the Church of Rome or the Church of England
The collect is a short general prayer of a particular structure used in Christian liturgy. |
例句与用法 | 1. | She said she collected her wits somehow . 不过她说她还是镇定下来了。
| | 2. | Please give me a moment to collect my thoughts . 请给我点时间想一想。
| | 3. | A man comes round regularly collecting scrap . 有个男人定时来收废品。
| | 4. | I collected what cushions i could find . 我把能找到的垫子都搜集起来。
| | 5. | We are collecting the stuff for the report . 我们正为报告收集资料。
| | 6. | It collects information about market needs . 它汇集市场需求的信息。
| | 7. | They collect funds to finance the movement . 他们为这一运动筹募基金。
| | 8. | The rain collected in several depressions . 雨水聚积在几处洼地里。
| | 9. | Stamp collecting holds a certain fascination for me . 我特别喜爱集邮。
| | 10. | The dustman collects the rubbish once a week . 垃圾工每周运走一次垃圾。