中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.衣领;硬领;项圈;护肩,(牲口的)轭。 2.环状物;【机械工程】端箍,轴环;【建筑】柱环;系梁,底梁;【植物;植物学】根颈。 3.(猪肉等的)肉卷。 4.(一杯啤酒表面的)泡沫。 5.【橄榄球】紧抱。 6.〔美俚〕逮捕。 短语和例子 against the collar (马上坡时)轭具勒紧肩膀;冒着困难,下死力(干等),千辛万苦。 be hot under the collar 〔俚语〕发怒;奋激。 be in [out of] collar (马套上[卸下]轭具)听候[解除]役使;〔俚语〕有[无]工作,担任[失去]职务。 in the collar 受压制[束缚]。 collar of SS [esses] SS 连锁形颈章。 fill one's collar 〔口语〕尽本分,尽职。 keep sb. up to the collar 把人当牛马使唤。 seize take (sb.) by the collar 抓住领口。 slip the collar 避开困难;挣脱,逃脱。 wear sb.'s collar 〔口语〕听人差遣。 vt. 1.扭住领口;上衣领;使戴项圈。 2.〔口语〕捕,捉;取,窃取;拉用,扯用;(不断谈话)留住不放。 3.【橄榄球】抱住。 4.做(肉)卷。 短语和例子 Who's collared my pen 谁拿走了我的钢笔?
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| the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal); "the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar" 同义词:apprehension, arrest, catch, pinch, taking into custody,
| | a figurative restraint; "asked for a collar on program trading in the stock market"; "kept a tight leash on his emotions"; "he''s always gotten a long leash" 同义词:leash,
| | necklace that fits tightly around a woman''s neck 同义词:choker, dog collar, neckband,
| | a band that fits around the neck and is usually folded over 同义词:neckband,
| | a band of leather or rope that is placed around an animal''s neck as a harness or to identify it
| | the stitching that forms the rim of a shoe or boot 同义词:shoe collar,
| | a short ring fastened over a rod or shaft to limit, guide, or secure a machine part
| | anything worn or placed about the neck; "the thief was forced to wear a heavy wooden collar"; "a collar of flowers was placed about the neck of the winning horse"
| | (zoology) an encircling band or marking around the neck of any animal
| take into custody; "the police nabbed the suspected criminals" 同义词:nail, apprehend, arrest, pick up, nab, cop,
| | furnish with a collar; "collar the dog"
| | seize by the neck or collar
例句与用法 | 1. | Reynolds loosened his hand on my collar . 雷诺兹松手放开了我的衣领。
| | 2. | She began unfastening the collar of her gown . 她动手解她长袍的领子。
| | 3. | This collar acts as a kind of gasket . 这个翻边起一种密封垫的作用。
| | 4. | He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind . 他竖起大衣领抵御寒风。
| | 5. | The old man picked a hair from the collar of his coat . 老人捡去衣领上的一根头发。
| | 6. | He collared all my money . 他未经许可拿走我所有的钱。
| | 7. | The policeman collared the thief . 警察把小偷捉住了。
| | 8. | The wind was so cold that he turned his coat collar up . 风太冷了,所以他把衣领翻起来。
| | 9. | My collar is only rabbit . 我的领子只是兔毛的。
| | 10. | He turned up his coat collar . 他把衣领竖起来。