中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 【植物;植物学】(菜叶不包卷起来的)散叶甘蓝。
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| variety of kale having smooth leaves
例句与用法 | 1. | Oh oh can i get the collard greens 哦,哦,可以来份羽衣甘蓝叶
| | 2. | In the next layer , plant your greens such as spinach , swiss chard , mustard greens or collard greens 在下一圈,种植绿色蔬菜如菠菜、唐莴苣、芥菜或芥蓝菜。
| | 3. | Green leafy vegetables including spinach , kale and collards appeared to be the most beneficial 包括菠菜,无头甘蓝和羽衣甘蓝叶在内的绿叶蔬菜似乎最有好处。
| | 4. | Poor old goodwin was the pianist that night , father cowley reminded them . there was a slight difference of opinion between himself and the collard grand “那天晚上弹钢琴的是可怜的古德温老爷爷, ”考利神父提醒他们说, “他本人和那架科勒德牌三角钢琴95不大合得来。 ”
| | 5. | " in our study , people who ate spinach or collard greens two to four times a week had half the estimated risk of macular degeneration compared with those who ate them less than once a month , " says johanna seddon of harvard medical school 哈佛医学院的乔亚娜西登指出:我们的研究显示,每周吃二次到四次菠菜或芥蓝菜的人其罹患黄斑退化症的比例是每月吃这类食物少于一次的人的一半。
| | 6. | Dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli , spinach , collards , turnip greens and yellow vegetables and fruits such as apricots are rich in biochemical substances that protect vision from one of the major factors in age - related macular degeneration , say richard bone , professor of physics , and john landrum , associate professor of chemistry , in the latest issue of the journal methods in enzymology 物理教授理察柏恩及化学副教授约翰兰卓姆最近在酵素学方法期刊上发表指出,深绿色叶子的蔬菜,像花椰菜菠菜芥蓝大头菜,还有黄色的蔬菜和水果,像是杏桃,都含有一些丰富的生化物质,这些生化物质是对抗中老年视斑性退化的一个主要因素。