| 1. | Methods 566 cases ( 570 eyes ) accepted small incision non - phacoemulsification ecce and joe implantation 方法对5肠例( 570眼)白内障进行小切口非乳化手法白内障摘出联合人工晶状体植入术。
| 2. | How to proceed the following procedures of ecce and insert a posterior chamber intraocular lens successfully 采取紧急原轮部切口缝合,再向颞侧轮部扩大,作一个新的轮部切口,以继续其后步骤。
| 3. | Objective to evaluate the clinical effects of small incision non - phacoemulsification ecce and iol implantation for cataract patients 摘要目的分析小切口非超声乳化手法白内障囊外摘出人工晶状体植入术的临床效果。
| 4. | Advantages include better early visual rehabilitation , less astigamtism , less suture time over ecce , satisfactory results as phacoemulsification without the need of an expensive phaco machine 而晶核切割术则较晶体乳化术不须昂贵的仪器及所须技术转移期较短,是一种可替代晶体乳化术的小切口白内障手术。
| 5. | We also prospectively studied the post - operative changes of visual acuity , astigmatism , and endothelial cell loss of the alternative technique as compared with those occurring when ecce and phacoemulsification were performed 结果显示晶核切割术及晶体乳化术优于囊外白内障摘除术,有较佳的早期视力回复及较少的术后散光。
| 6. | In routine extracapsular cataract extraction ( ecce ) , we occasionally may encounter a condition that the zonule around 12 o ' clock direction disrupted with prolapse of a small porion of vitreous during the nucleus being milked out and not delivered yet 作者利用动物模式提出在囊外白内障手术中,晶体核挤出时,因轮部切口较小,以至尚未挤出晶体核,即发生十二点钟方向品体?带断裂合并部分玻璃体膨出的情况下,如何在尽量减少玻璃体进一步伤害下顺利挤出晶体核,并植入后房人工水晶体。