| 1. | A fountain of water gush from the break fire hydrant 从损坏的消防栓里喷出水来。
| 2. | Protective interior coatings for valves and hydrants 阀门和给水栓用防护性内部涂层
| 3. | Never stand between a fire hydrant and a dog 永远不要站在一个灭火栓和一条狗之间。
| 4. | A fountain of water gushed from the broken fire hydrant 从损坏的消防栓里喷出水来
| 5. | Probe into indoor hydrant design of the buildings 建筑物室内消火栓设计探讨
| 6. | I remember you kinda looked like fire hydrants 我记得你看起来像个消防栓
| 7. | Alligators may not be tied to fire hydrants 短吻鳄不可被系在消防栓上。
| 8. | Requirements and acceptance tests for hydrants 消防栓的要求和验收试验
| 9. | Fire flow testing and marking of hydrants 消防栓灭火液流量试验和标记
| 10. | Hydrants for utility and maintenance use 公用保障设施和维护用消火栓