| 1. | In winter when the kuroshio is wormer than the normal , the situation is different 当黑潮海温暖异常时,形势相反。
| 2. | The branch of kuroshio is the direct dynamic factor of the formation of this eddy 黑潮分支大约是该涡旋的主要动力因子。
| 3. | Tosa kuroshio railway 土佐黑潮铁道
| 4. | On the continental shelf , left of kuroshio ( 125 . 3e , 28 . 5n ) , there exists a large cyclonic eddy 5叩)存在一个大型的气旋式涡旋。
| 5. | Theirconveyor belt was the kuroshio ( black ) current , named after the deep colour ofits waters 他们的“传送带”是黑潮? ?因其水流颜色而得名。
| 6. | ( 3 ) the previously winter kuroshio ssta relates greatly to the east asian summer monsoon ( easm ) ( 3 )前期冬季黑潮区域海温异常与东亚夏季风存在显著的联系。
| 7. | From the pictures of the three - dimensional current system , we can see that the magnitude of the kuroshio current minishes as it deepens 从三维流场图可以看出,黑潮的强度随深度明显地减弱。
| 8. | Conclusions are drawn as follows : ( 1 ) there is a closely relationship between the autumn kuroshio ssta and the east asian winter monsoon ( eawm ) ( 1 )秋季黑潮区域海温异常与东亚冬季风有明显的正相关关系。
| 9. | During the winter dry season , the kuroshio oceanic current brings warm water of high salinity from the pacific through the luzon strait 在乾旱的冬季,黑潮海流把高咸度的温暖海水由太平洋经吕宋海峡带入本港。
| 10. | An anticlockwise gyre near the kuroshio north of japan inland is simulated using a high - resolution topography 在高分辨的地形条件下,日本西海岸外侧的黑潮北部存在一逆时针漩涡,这可能与该区域的漏斗型地形诱导有关。