中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 〔美国〕铁路专用支线。 adj. 1.铁路专用支线上的。 2.〔口语〕不重要的,微小的,乡下的。 短语和例子 a jerkwater town 铁路上的小镇。 a jerkwater train 慢车。 a jerkwater person 无足轻重的人。
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| small and remote and insignificant; "a jerkwater college"; "passed a series of poky little one-horse towns" 同义词:one-horse, pokey, poky,
Jerkwater is an indie rock trio formed in 1998 in Brooklyn, New York. The band includes guitarist Chris Bowers, bassist Steve Christensen and drummer John Connell (a. |
例句与用法 | 1. | You might have heard of it . we run your jerkwater country 你一定听说过美国的我们现在掌管着你们这个屁大点儿的国家
| | 2. | Social identity of elite and civilian determine the character of their architecture : the representative character of elite architecture is exclusive ? monumental ? gigantic ? sublime ; relative to elite architecture , the representative character of civilian architecture is repeating ? earthy ? jerkwater ? vulgar 精英与平民两种社会群体的社会特性决定了其建筑思想形态的特点:精英建筑的典型特征可以总结为唯一的?纪念碑式的?巨构的?崇高的;相对于精英建筑,平民建筑表现出的典型特征是可复制的?朴实的?微小的?低俗的。