中文翻译与英英解释 | n. jinni 的复数〔一般把此词当作单数,并加了一个复数形式 jinns〕。
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The jinn ( , singular ; also spelled djinn), or genies, are spirits mentioned in the Qur?ān and Islamic theology who inhabit an unseen world in dimensions beyond the visible universe of humans. Together, the jinn, humans and angels make up the three sentient creations of God. |
例句与用法 | 1. | Jinni has returned to carry me home 基尼回来驼我回家
| | 2. | To the jinni of the west 没有向西方的神灵发誓
| | 3. | To the jinni of the west 没有向西方的神灵发誓
| | 4. | Jinni , no . go away 基尼,不,快走开
| | 5. | For various generations , there were 12 family members climbed up to jinn - shi position in the government 累代官宦成进世者,一十二人富甲乡里。
| | 6. | For various generations , there were 12 family members climbed up to jinn - shi position in the government 累代官宦成进世者,一十二人;富甲乡里。
| | 7. | According to legend , a sea jinni called rannamaari demanded regular sacrifices of young girls in mal 据传说所言,一个名为罗南玛瑞的海上“基尼”要求定期将年轻女子送到马累作为献祭。
| | 8. | Qui - gon jinn might not be there to free them , but there was nothing coincidental about his coming here and meeting anakin 奎刚-金也许不是来解放他们的,但他的到来以及他和安纳金的相遇也远不止巧合那么简单。
| | 9. | No other religions are permitted , though ancient beliefs survive : for example , islanders fear jinnis - evil spirits which come from the sea , land and sky 尽管其它宗教受到了禁止,但古老的信仰却留存下来:例如,岛民都敬畏来自海洋、陆地和天空的邪恶神灵? ? “基尼” 。
| | 10. | Maldivians believe an ancient race of sun - worshipping people called the redin were the first settlers ; their heritage involving evil spirits , or jinnis , is still evident today 马尔代夫人相信,第一批定居者是一个膜拜太阳的古老民族? ? “日鼎族” ;他们遗留下来的传统至今仍显而易见,其中就包括邪恶神灵? ? “基尼” 。