中文翻译与英英解释 | vi. 欢呼,欢欣。 n. 1.【宗教】复活节后的第三个星期日。 2.《旧约圣经》中的《诗篇》第一百篇(的乐曲)〔即 the Old Hundred(th)〕。
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| to express great joy; "Who cannot exult in Spring?" 同义词:exuberate, exult, rejoice, triumph,
| | celebrate a jubilee
例句与用法 | 1. | When the first weather photo had been received at the observatory headquarters , our colleagues were jubilated photo 1 成功传送第一张天气照片回总部时,同事们都非常兴奋附图一。
| | 2. | When the first weather photo had been received at the observatory headquarters , our colleagues were jubilated ( photo 1 ) 成功传送第一张天气照片回总部时,同事们都非常兴奋附图一。
| | 3. | While jubilating on its success of birth control policy , china should also notice that the future situation of china ' s population is still astringent 中国在为节育政策取得成功而庆幸的同时,还应该看到,未来中国的人口形势依然严峻。