| 1. | Jon had little sulkiness in his composition . 乔恩生性不大会生闷气。
| 2. | After all, jon has the instincts of a gentleman . 乔恩反正天性正派。
| 3. | Jon screwed his features into a scowl . 乔恩的眼睛鼻子挤成一付苦相。
| 4. | The sense of meanness died in jon . 乔恩的自咎感消失了。
| 5. | Look out of the window-there is beauty for you, jon . 向窗外看看--美就在你的眼前呢,乔恩。
| 6. | It was to jon like a ray of sunshine piercing through a fog . 乔恩觉得它象一道阳光透过云雾。
| 7. | You're very green, jon . 乔恩,你很幼稚。
| 8. | Have you done anything to stop jon writing to me, father ? 爹,你是不是做了手脚,不让乔恩写信给我?
| 9. | The menu, prepared by white house chef jon hill, was anything but proletarian . 白宫厨师乔恩布尔准备的佳肴无所不有。
| 10. | Little jon reflected; venus was in his book about the greeks and trojans . 小乔恩寻思一下;维纳丝在那本关于希腊和特劳埃人战争的书里讲到的。