中文翻译与英英解释 | the part of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum
例句与用法 | 1. | The distal duodenum and jejunum remain on the right side of the spine . 远端十二指肠及空肠仍处于脊椎右侧。
| | 2. | Figure 17 . the mesenteric cyst with a loop of jejunum 图17肠系膜囊肿和部分空肠。
| | 3. | Effect of drinking - boron on jejunum development of animal 饮水硼对动物空肠发育的影响
| | 4. | The process of amino acid digestion and absorption in goat digestive tract could he described as three compartments : abomasums , jejunum and ileum 将山羊消化道消化吸收氨基酸的过程分为3个分域:真胃、空肠和回肠。
| | 5. | The most common metastatic site is the small bowel , with the jejunum slightly higher than the ileum , and there are sporadic case reports of the duodenum , esophagus , stomach , large bowel , and anus 肺癌合并胃肠道转移以小肠最多,其中空肠发生率略多于回肠,至于十二指肠、食道、胄、大肠与肛门则极为少见。
| | 6. | The alimentary tract in the abdomen consists of the lower oesophagus , the stomach , the duodenum , the jejunum , ileum , the caecum and the appendix , the ascending , transverse and descending colons , the sigmoid colon and the rectum 腹腔内的消化道器官有:下食道、胃,十二指肠、空肠、回肠、盲肠和阑尾、升结肠、横结肠、降结肠、乙状结肠以及直肠。
| | 7. | Results in this group there were three male and three female patients ageing 25 to 70 . four were of atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysms , with the age all above 60 . two were suffering from dysplasia of the arterial media , with the age of 25 and 32 . repeated upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage of small amounts ( herald hemorrhage ) occured before laparotomy in 4 cases , sudden unprecedented massive bleeding in 2 cases . four complained pain on the lumbus and the back . 5 suffered from infrarenal aaa , 1 from thoracicoabdominal aortic aneurysm . the fistula was located at the third portion of duodenum in 3 cases , at the upper section of jejunum in 2 cases , and at the transverse colon in one . two underwent replacement of the aorta with prosthetic graft material , who survived the surgery , bilateral axillary - femoral bypass was performed in one , and in another case the bleeding site was not detected . those 2 patients died postoperatively . the remaining two patients died of massive bleeding without exploration 结果6例病人,男女各3例,年龄25 - 70岁; 4例病理检查为动脉粥样硬化性腹主动脉瘤,年龄均60岁以上, 2例动脉中层发育不良,年龄为25岁和32岁; 4例术前有小量多次上消化道“信号性出血” , 2例突发大出血,术前诉腰部背部疼痛4例; 5例为肾下型腹主动脉瘤, 1例为胸腹主动脉瘤;瘘口部位3例在十二指肠第三段, 2例空肠上段, 1例横结肠; 4例手术, 2例行人造血管移植,均生存至今, 1例双侧腋股动脉旁路, 1例术中未找到出血部位,后2例术后死亡;另2例未来得及手术死亡。