| 1. | And all judah and jerusalem mourned for josiah 犹大人和耶路撒冷人都为他悲哀。
| 2. | And rehoboam the son of solomon reigned in judah 21所罗门的儿子罗波安作犹大王。
| 3. | And judah said , take her out and let her be burned 犹大说,拉出她来,把她烧了。
| 4. | And rehoboam , the son of solomon , was king in judah 所罗门的儿子罗波安作犹大王。
| 5. | And judah said , bring her forth , and let her be burnt 犹大说,拉出她来,把她烧了。
| 6. | These were the only fortified cities left in judah 原来犹大的坚固城只剩下这两9座。
| 7. | And judah said , what can we say to my lord 16犹大说,我们能对我主说什么?
| 8. | And the lord said , judah shall go up first 耶和华说: “犹大应首先上去。 ”
| 9. | Of the tribe of judah , caleb the son of jephunneh 6属犹大支派的有耶孚尼的儿子迦勒。
| 10. | Nothing like them had ever been seen in judah 犹大地从来没有见过这样的。