| 1. | Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets 为什么神风敢死队的飞行员还要戴头盔?
| 2. | Kamikaze tanks are controlled automatically 自杀式坦克被自动控制(遥控) 。
| 3. | Globo gym hoping to drop an a - bomb on the kamikazes 环球健身队,对战日本神风敢死队
| 4. | He used to run with me , morty and jimmy in this real kamikaze firm 他以前和我,毛蒂,还有吉米一起做事
| 5. | The kamikaze is a sacred ceremony 神风是神的仪式
| 6. | Just like the kamikaze tank , the v2 is automatically controlled and cannot be crewed 和自杀式坦克一样, v2飞弹被自动控制并不能被人员从内部操纵。
| 7. | Kamikaze boats have the same properties as gunboats , but instead of the machine gun they are equipped with a highly explosive bomb 自杀式舰船有着和炮艇相同的属性,只是用一个有着巨大爆炸威力的炸弹代替了机枪。
| 8. | Damaged in an aircraft explosion in january 1945 and again by kamikaze strike in april , hancock returned to take part in magic carpet operations 1945年1月时她曾因为飞机爆炸而受损,在4月又受到自杀飞机的攻击。
| 9. | They have the same properties as anti - tank vehicles and attack like kamikaze units with a big explosion near the target 它们有和反坦克车辆相同的属性并能类似神风敢死队那样进行自杀攻击,在目标物附近产生巨大的爆炸。
| 10. | They took part in almost every major naval battle from the hunting of the bismarck , the landings on d - day through to savage kamikaze attacks in the philippines and okinawa 他们参加了几乎所有的重要海战,从猎杀“俾斯麦”号,到d日登陆,再到在菲律宾和冲绳与野蛮的神风突击队作战。