中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. 深到膝的,没膝的;深陷在…中的 (in)。
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| up to the knees; "we were standing knee-deep in the water" 同义词:knee-high, knee-high,
| | up to the knees; "we were standing knee-deep in the water" 同义词:knee-high, knee-high,
| coming only to the ankle or knee 同义词:ankle-deep,
例句与用法 | 1. | He went knee-deep in the icy water . 他在及膝深的冰冷的水中跋涉。
| | 2. | They stood knee-deep in the snow . 他们站在没膝深的雪里。
| | 3. | The snow is more than knee-deep . 雪深过膝。
| | 4. | The snow was knee-deep . 雪深没膝。