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发布时间:2021-02-05 作者: 英语查

karoshi 是什么意思


〔日语〕过劳死〔因工作长期过度劳累致死,亦作karoshi syndrome〕。


1.Its corporate equivalent is karoshi , “ death by overwork ”
此外就是过劳死,即“死于加班” 。

2.Its corporate equivalent is karoshi , “ death by overwork ”
它的企业版则是过劳死,即“死于加班” 。

3.For deaths not designated karoshi the family gets next to nothing

4.Chronic fatigue and karoshi

5.Death from overwork grew so common during japan ' s post - world war ii economic miracle that a word was coined for it , " karoshi .

6.Death from overwork grew so common during japan ' s post - world war ii economic miracle that a word was coined for it , " karoshi .

7.Death from overwork grew so common during japan ' s post - world war ii economic miracle that a word was coined for it , " karoshi .
因工作劳累过度而造成的死亡现象在日本“战后”经济腾飞期间日益普遍, "过劳死"一词便由此而生。

8.Death from overwork , known as " karoshi , " has steadily increased since the health ministry first recognized the phenomenon in 1987
由于过度工作造成的死亡,即“过劳死” ,从1987年日本厚生省首次认定这一现象开始,一直在稳步增长。

9.Death from overwork , known as " karoshi , " has steadily increased since the health ministry first recognized the phenomenon in 1987
由于过度工作造成的死亡,即“过劳死” ,从1987年日本厚生省首次认定这一现象开始,一直在稳步增长。

10.Death from overwork , known as " karoshi , " has steadily increased since the ministry first recognized the phenomenon in 1987 . deeply agitated , as from emotional conflict
由于过度工作造成的死亡,即“过劳死” ,从1987年日本厚生省首次认定这一现象开始,一直在稳步增长。

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