| 1. | ( woman on pa system ) mr . kaufman wants you to know . . 考夫曼先生想让你们知道. .
| 2. | Woman on pa system ) mr . kaufman wants you to know . . 考夫曼先生想让你们知道. .
| 3. | Kaufman is never going to see dead reckoning again 考夫曼再也见不到“测航”号了
| 4. | Some shit , though , going out to save kaufman ' s ass 不过真他妈的,出去帮考夫曼收场
| 5. | " it ' s mirroring the obesity epidemic , " kaufman said 他说: “这反映了肥胖的流行” 。
| 6. | Kaufman i recognize that some of you are concerned 我了解到你们中的一些人略有担心
| 7. | Mr . demora . mr . kaufman isn ' t home . and i heard 德墨拉先生,考夫曼先生不在,我听到
| 8. | What ? kaufman sent you up to take care of me 怎么?考夫曼派你来把我搞定?
| 9. | Mr . demora . mr . kaufman isn ' t home . and i heard . . 德墨拉先生,考夫曼先生不在,我听到
| 10. | Woman on pa system mr . kaufman wants you to know 考夫曼先生想让你们知道