| 1. | Cats can never change back into kittens . 老猫绝变不成小猫。
| 2. | The children enticed the kitten from the tree ... 孩子们把小猫从树上引逗下来。
| 3. | A cat's kittens are her progeny . 小猫是老猫的后代。
| 4. | Do n't starve the kitten . 别饿着小猫。
| 5. | We tried to make the kitten leave, but it would not budge . 我们一个劲儿赶小猫走,可它就是不肯动弹
| 6. | "the kitten was making noise and papa said to kill it," i explained . “小猫闹,爸爸说宰了它。”我辩解着。
| 7. | When teacher ma was 70 years old , he was as spry as a kitten . 马老师七十岁的时候,还轻快敏捷地像只小猫一般。
| 8. | The scrawny kitten lingered, brushing itself against our legs, and meowing plaintively . 这只瘦得皮包骨的小猫赖着不走,在我们的脚边蹭来蹭去,叫得挺凄凉的。
| 9. | I can't touch it, i whimpered, feeling that the kitten was staring at me with reproachful eyes . 我摸不着啊,我带着哭腔说,只觉得小猫正瞪眼看着我,那眼神在责怪我。
| 10. | The breezes that on the lagoon had chased their tails like kittens were finding their way across the platform and into the forest . 环礁湖上的轻风一阵紧接一阵,就象追逐着自己尾巴的小猫,夺路越过平台,窜进森林。