| 1. | Jack 's trousers are through at the knees . 杰克的裤子膝盖处破了洞了。
| 2. | A sharp pain stabbed at his right knee . 他的右膝感觉到一阵剧痛。
| 3. | His long white beard grew down over his knees . 他的白胡须长得过了膝盖。
| 4. | Eliza smoothed her dress over her knees . 伊丽莎抚平在膝盖上皱起的衣纹。
| 5. | He likes to sleep with his knees drawn up . 他喜欢蜷伏着睡觉。
| 6. | His knee pained him, and his soul felt gloomy . 他的膝盖很痛,心情很阴郁。
| 7. | She tripped and banged her knee on the desk . 她绊倒了,膝盖猛磕在书桌上。
| 8. | The knee jerk is a typical respondent . 膝反射是一种典型反射。
| 9. | He scraped his knee when he fell . 他跌倒的时候,擦伤了膝盖。
| 10. | She fell and put her knee out of joint . 她摔得膝关节脱臼了。