| 1. | He is a natural for the role of lear . 他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选。
| 2. | His performance as king lear was to be his swan-song before retiring . 他扮演李尔王是他退休前的绝唱。
| 3. | Sad and unhappy , cold and wet , lear became mad 悲伤不快,又湿又冷,利尔疯了。
| 4. | What are lear ' s motives in dividing the kingdom 李尔王分割国土的动机为何
| 5. | Re interpretation of the significance of king lear ' s madness 对李尔王发疯意义的重新解读
| 6. | He ' s a natural for the role of lear 他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选
| 7. | I have a friend who flew lear jets for the u . s 我有一位飞了美国空军的李尔喷气式飞机的朋友。
| 8. | Lear to talk about ersonal trait and how to compare eople 学会谈论个人品质以及如何比较人们。
| 9. | I found it important to lear english well 我发现学好英语很重要。
| 10. | There is a lear jet in mobile , and i am on it 在mobile有架learjet (私人飞机) ,我要坐它回去。