| 1. | The crocodiles boated around in the lilies . 鳄鱼在百草丛中浮游。
| 2. | It's a pity lily makes herself so conspicuous . 丽莉这么招摇真是太蠢了。
| 3. | Both sisters were fair as lilies . 两姊妹都象百合花一样白净。
| 4. | One of the golden carp darted from lily to lily . 一尾金色鲤鱼在荷花间嬉戏。
| 5. | Lily was not easily disconcerted . 丽莉不是轻易气馁的女人。
| 6. | Lily received his words with fresh appreciation . 他的话又一次得到丽莉的赏识。
| 7. | Lily wept over the poor old woman . 莉莉守着老妇人哭泣。
| 8. | Lily said to herself that the mask just drop . 丽莉心中说道,现在面具该摘下来了。
| 9. | Judy trenor's summons was very welcome to lily . 裘蒂雷诺的邀请使丽莉感到高兴。
| 10. | Lily found mrs. peniston in a state of agitation . 丽莉发现彭尼顿太太正在急躁不安。