| 1. | One who uses or advocates the use of liturgical forms 礼拜仪式倡用人运用或提倡运用礼拜仪式的人
| 2. | A harmonic liturgical chant 以和声为特点的礼拜堂赞美诗
| 3. | A book of liturgical forms 一本关于礼拜仪式的书
| 4. | Any medieval liturgical music without strict meter and traditionally sung without accompaniment 平旋律圣歌中世纪礼拜仪式音乐,毫无强音装饰且通常没有伴奏
| 5. | The liturgical function of the music and musical instruments in the noxi drama of guichi , anhui provence : a study 安徽贵池傩戏中乐器和音乐的仪式性功能探究
| 6. | Gregorian chant is a musical repertory made up of chants used in the liturgical services of the roman catholic church 格立高圣歌是由音乐剧组成的在罗马天主教会礼拜用的圣歌。
| 7. | 1 . 4 priests should wear a surgical mask when celebrating the eucharist or officiating at other liturgical functions . 2 . mass 1 . 4司铎主持弥撒和其他礼仪时,须戴上外科专用口罩。
| 8. | Hygiene within the church premises 1 . 1 no need to wear masks while participating in liturgical functions and the sacraments 1在圣堂及教会场地聚会或参与礼仪和圣事,毋须佩戴口罩。
| 9. | 1 . hygiene within the church premises 1 . 1 no need to wear masks while participating in liturgical functions and the sacraments 1 . 1在圣堂及教会场地聚会或参与礼仪和圣事,毋须佩戴口罩。
| 10. | Sanskrit is an indo - european classical language of india and a liturgical language of hinduism , buddhism , and jainism 梵语是印度的古典印欧语系语言,是印度教、佛教和耆那教的祭礼语言。