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发布时间:2021-02-09 作者: 英语查

longbow 是什么意思


大弓 (draw [pull] the long-bow 吹牛)。
a powerful wooden bow drawn by hand; usually 5-6 feet long; used in medieval England

A longbow is a type of bow that is tall (roughly equal to the height of the person who uses it); this will allow its user a fairly long draw, at least to the jaw.


1.Apache longbow advanced attack helicopter

2.His unfinished longbow was carved from yew , the best wood for such a purpose because of its great tensile strength

3.Another hypothesis is that ? tzi was a hunter of alpine ibex ; the longbow and quiver of arrows may support this notion

4.The famous english longbows used to defeat the french at agincourt some 4 , 000 years later were made of yew

5.The army is initially composed of knights and spearmen , but they go on to develop a system based on longbows and dismounted knights

6.Wielding a longbow made of yew , these archers can spit a man at a hundred paces , this , coupled with their ability to hide in forests means they can lay many a terrible ambush

7.Noted for his weapons skills , toede achieves expert status in spear , long sword and short sword , mace , morning star , longbow , short bow , dagger , rapier , poignard , staff , knife , bludgeon and truncheon , not to mention the martial arts

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