中文翻译与英英解释 | 大弓 (draw [pull] the long-bow 吹牛)。
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| a powerful wooden bow drawn by hand; usually 5-6 feet long; used in medieval England
A longbow is a type of bow that is tall (roughly equal to the height of the person who uses it); this will allow its user a fairly long draw, at least to the jaw. |
例句与用法 | 1. | Apache longbow advanced attack helicopter 阿帕奇长弓先进攻击型直升机
| | 2. | His unfinished longbow was carved from yew , the best wood for such a purpose because of its great tensile strength 奥兹有一张未完工的长弓是以紫杉木雕的,它张力十足,最适合做弓。
| | 3. | Another hypothesis is that ? tzi was a hunter of alpine ibex ; the longbow and quiver of arrows may support this notion 另一个假说是,奥兹是到阿尔卑斯山上猎野羊的猎人;他身上的长弓与箭筒算是证据。
| | 4. | The famous english longbows used to defeat the french at agincourt some 4 , 000 years later were made of yew 奥兹身后4000年,也就是1415年10月25日,英军在亚金科特以著名的长弓击败法军,那些弓也是紫杉做的。
| | 5. | The army is initially composed of knights and spearmen , but they go on to develop a system based on longbows and dismounted knights 军队最初由骑士和矛兵组成,但是他们很快发展了一个基于长弓手和步行骑士的体系。
| | 6. | Wielding a longbow made of yew , these archers can spit a man at a hundred paces , this , coupled with their ability to hide in forests means they can lay many a terrible ambush 这些弓箭手可以用他们的紫杉长弓在百步之外杀伤对手,在加上躲藏在林中的技艺,他们可以进行很多可怕的伏击。
| | 7. | Noted for his weapons skills , toede achieves expert status in spear , long sword and short sword , mace , morning star , longbow , short bow , dagger , rapier , poignard , staff , knife , bludgeon and truncheon , not to mention the martial arts 由于他武器方面的技能,投德在长矛、长剑、短剑、锤棍、钉头槌、长弓、短弓、匕首、细剑、锐匕、长棍、小刀、短棒、警棍方面都取得了专家的称号,更不要提武术了。