| 1. | On this occasion, in consequence of nora being unwell, owen and frankie went by themselves . 这一次因为诺拉不舒服,欧文只好带着小弗兰克去了。
| 2. | Wudy sat on a log with his only friend nora 伍迪和他唯一的朋友诺拉坐在圆木上。
| 3. | Nora was an excellent gymnast in this country 诺拉是这个国家卓越的体操运动员。
| 4. | You ' re going . nora can help me out around the house 你去吧, nora可以过来帮我的
| 5. | Nora tended to be impulsive and sometimes reckless 劳拉做事冲动,有时还很莽撞。
| 6. | Nora stood at the bus stop , reading a newspaper 诺拉站在公共汽车站旁看报纸。
| 7. | Nora and i are on a bit of an organic diet . . Nora和我对桔子类食物有些过敏. .
| 8. | - so nora ' s not coming ? - well , not exactly . here - nora不来了? -不完全是,看看这个
| 9. | A year later , we had our first - - nora 一年以后,我们有了第一个孩子nora
| 10. | Nora ' s diligence had set an example to the others 诺拉的勤奋为其他学生树立了榜样。