| 1. | Oats have been notorious for disease problems . 燕麦曾因病害问题而著称。
| 2. | He is notorious for its patriarchal behaviour . 他搞家长制作风是很典型的。
| 3. | His extraordinary absence became notorious . 他那种意外的失踪已经是尽人皆知了。
| 4. | The fact had been notorious . 那一事实早已臭名远扬。
| 5. | Rancid butter and margarine are notorious . 哈喇奶油和人造奶油的难闻气味是众所周知的。
| 6. | They're notorious liars ! 他们是尽人皆知的骗子。
| 7. | They made the place a notorious centre of piracy . 他们把这地方变成了臭名昭著的海盗中心。
| 8. | You are the notorious mrs. brasser in four-a . 你就是A单元4号那位大名鼎鼎的布拉赛尔夫人。
| 9. | The love of a dog for his master is notorious . 一只狗爱它的主人,是无人不知、无人不晓的。
| 10. | She would admit none of the notorious errors of the world . 她不承认世界有这些罪恶昭彰的过错。