| 1. | His own expulsion from there had been already decided on by the high powers of the diocese . 他自己从那儿被逐出,已经由主教区的最高权力机构作出决定了。
| 2. | It was most important that the prime minister should know that night that the diocese was vacant . 当天晚上就应该让首相知道这个主教区空出来了,这一点非常重要。
| 3. | A clinic on the outskirts of town for the diocese 一间位于市郊的主教教区诊所
| 4. | In another diocese , i think he would accept .在另一个主教教区我想他会接受的
| 5. | Even today our diocese relies on their support 今天我们的教区还是依靠他们的支持。
| 6. | Catholic diocese centre , 16 caine road , hong kong 香港坚道16号教区中心九楼演讲厅
| 7. | Justice peace commission of the hong kong catholic diocese 香港天主教正义和平委员会
| 8. | Catholic diocese centre , 16 caine road , hong kong 香港坚道16号教区中心九楼演讲厅
| 9. | A declaration by the hong kong catholic diocese 天主教香港教区声明天主教香港教区声明
| 10. | Every diocese is a complete local church 每个教区是一个完整的地方教会。