| 1. | Quartz - diopside - diorite 石英透辉闪长岩
| 2. | Mechanical properties and microstructures of al2o3 altic zro2 diopside ceramic composite 透辉石陶瓷材料的力学性能及微观结构
| 3. | The ore deposit can be named as subvolcanic hydrothermal garnet - diopside - magnetite deposit 可把此矿床定名为次火山水热石榴子石透辉石磁铁矿矿床。
| 4. | Pyroxene is exclusively diopsidic augite , with a composition relatively close to the diopside - hedenbergite join 所有辉石是透辉石质普通辉石,其成分相对近于透辉石- -镁铁辉石。
| 5. | The assemblage of garnet - diopside in the silicate alteration rocks is different from that in the skarn of traditional idea 硅酸盐蚀变岩中的“石榴子石透辉石”组合与传统理解的“夕卡岩”内的相同组合名同实异。
| 6. | The distinctive shimmer of the rocks and their marble - size crystals of red garnet , black hornblende and sage - green diopside in most places attest to metamorphic tortures nearly as intense as those experienced at akilia 伊苏瓦岩石的许多特徵,如特殊的光泽与弹珠大小的各式结晶,包括红色的石榴石、黑色的角闪石、鼠尾草般绿色的透辉石等,在在说明它经历的变质作用几乎与阿基利亚岩石一样强烈。