| 1. | What a life it is! it is a very lonely, restless, joyless life . 那是一种什么样的生活呀--孤苦零丁,飘泊不定,一点幸福也没有。
| 2. | The puritans, according to the familiar accusations of the 1920s, were joyless hypocrites . 依照二十年代流行的指责来说,清教徒是郁郁寡欢的伪君子。
| 3. | For them, the present system means joyless drudgery, semistarvation, rags and premature death . 现在这个制度对他们意味着痛苦的劳役,半饥半饱,衣不蔽体的生活,短命和夭折。
| 4. | For hours nothing relieved the joyless monotony of things 好几个小时过去了,一切都还是那样单调,那样沉闷。
| 5. | What a life it is ! it is a very lonely , restless , joyless life 那是一种什么样的生活呀- -孤苦零丁,飘泊不定,一点幸福也没有。
| 6. | Suppose he should be absent spring , summer , and autumn : how joyless sunshine and fine days will seem 设想他春夏秋三季都不在,那风和日丽的好日子会显得多没有劲! ”
| 7. | Waiting expectantly in the safety of the summer palace at whitecliff , lady isabel receives joyless tidings 而此时正在白崖夏宫焦急等待的伊莎贝尔夫人收到了令人担忧的消息。
| 8. | Your dance teaches us that as soul and form become separated , fear , pain , and a joyless existence results 你们的舞蹈教会我们,当灵魂和形态分开时,害怕、痛苦和没有欢乐的结局就产生了。
| 9. | That is easier said than done , and we do not necessarily recommend that all people should lead a pure and joyless life 说起来容易做起来难,而且我们也无意建议所有人都该过着平淡无味的生活。
| 10. | What is normal ? is your life ? obsessed by desires and fears , full of strife and struggle , meaningless and joyless ? normal 什么叫正常?你的一生为欲望恐惧所占据,充满著奋斗和争扎,无聊没趣可算正常?