中文翻译与英英解释 | a (cotton or silk) cloak with full sleeves and sash reaching down to the ankles; worn by men in the Levant 同义词:caftan,
| | a woman''s dress style that imitates the caftan cloaks worn by men in the Near East 同义词:caftan,
例句与用法 | 1. | After that , this thesis studies the " probing oneself " of the sense of survival in franz kaftans " become deformed on the basis of theory of the deep - psychology 然后,文中运用深层心理学理论分析研究《变形记》中卡夫卡的“探索自我”的生存意识。
| | 2. | Key looks that will hit stores in february include puff - sleeved blouses in crisp embroidered white cotton with a victorian - era feel . fringed tunics , tie - dye patterns , suede boots and even kaftans are set to make a comeback as designers hark back to the peace - loving 1969 summer of love . 服装设计师们力求将人们带回到1969年以和平为主题的"爱之夏"的服装潮流中,于是带穗的短上衣,扎染图案,仿麂皮靴子,甚至宽松的长袍都将再次闪亮登场。
| | 3. | The old prince used to wear the old - fashioned dress , the kaftan and powder . and when prince andreynot with the disdainful face and manners with which he walked into drawing - rooms , but with the eager face with which he had talked to pierrewent in to his fathers room , the old gentleman was in his dressing - room sitting in a roomy morocco chair in a 当安德烈向父亲内室走去时,老头不是带着他在自己客厅里故意装的不满的表情和态度,而是带着他和皮埃尔交谈时那种兴奋的神情,老年人坐在更衣室里一张宽大的山羊皮面安乐椅上,披着一条扑粉用披巾,把头伸到吉洪的手边,让他扑粉。
| | 4. | On the 3rd of march all the rooms of the english club were full of the hum of voices , and the members and guests of the club , in uniforms and frock - coats , some even in powder and russian kaftans , were standing meeting , parting , and running to and fro like bees swarming in spring 三月三日,英国俱乐部的各个厅中都听见一片嘈杂声,俱乐部的成员和客人们穿着制服燕尾服,有些人穿着束有腰带的长衫,假发上扑了香粉,就像一群在春季迁徙时节纷飞的蜜蜂似的往来穿梭,一会儿坐着或站着,一会儿集合或散开。