| 1. | The kooks don ' t talk trash on the 9 - 5 grind 那些东西在无数乐队中都可以找到。
| 2. | George bush : you mean that old kook , that charlatan 你是说那个老怪物,那位庸医吗?
| 3. | You bite your tongue . chaz reinhold is not a kook 你给我闭嘴!切斯不是个疯子或怪人!
| 4. | Bobby : summer camp sounds like something for kooks 鲍比:夏令营听起来像是疯子们做的事。
| 5. | Lee jung - ja , jung kook - sup klm young - shin 李镇佳,金国尚,金英秀
| 6. | Every family has at least one kook 每个家庭至少都有一个怪人。
| 7. | And from everything you ' ve told me about chaz , he sounds like a kook 你把切斯说得好象是个疯子!
| 8. | Go back to the valley , you kooks 滚回峡谷去,你们这两傻瓜!
| 9. | Baby ' s real name is kim jong - kook Baby的真实姓名是金宗寇
| 10. | I am very worried for kim jong kook beacuse he looks pale these days 我很担心金钟国因为最近他看起来很憔悴。